Velkommen til foredrag om torvmoser og tilhørende nøkling! Vi vil snakke om hvor man finner torvmoser og hvilke egenskaper de har. Etter foredraget vil vi øve på å bruke Artsdatabankens nøkkel til torvmoser for å bestemme noen eksemplarer av torvmoser. Vi vil servere noe å spise under foredraget.
Vi sees!
Welcome to a lecture on the peat producing moss Sphagnum! We will talk about where you can find Sphagnum and what traits they have. After the lecture we will practice using Artsdatabankens key to Sphagnum, to decide the species of some Sphagnum mosses. We will serve something to eat during the lecture.
Welcome to a lecture on the peat producing moss Sphagnum! We will talk about where you can find Sphagnum and what traits they have. After the lecture we will practice using Artsdatabankens key to Sphagnum, to decide the species of some Sphagnum mosses. We will serve something to eat during the lecture.
Please notify us by message before the event if you would prefer English during the lecture
See you there!
Lille auditorium, NFH (Norges fiskerihøgskole)