Join us for the last Ung Botaniker event before Christmas! 🎄There will be food and hot drinks, Christmas mood and a fascinating presentation by Isa Lykke Hansen (this will also be live streamed!):
«For the past three years, researches from UiT and Aarhus University in Denmark have collaborated on an ambitious research project: They have set up cameras at multiple locations across the Arctic and have gathered thousands of time-lapse images.
Why? To automate the monitorization of plant and insect phenology in order to better understand the effects of climate change on pollinator decline.
But how do you even begin to analyse such vast amounts of data?
Can computer vision replace human insight?
And can data annotation be … fun???»
– Get the answer to all of these questions at Ung Botaniker’s Christmas celebration.
Meet up at the biology building at UiT or watch the presentation live:
Due to the corona-restrictions we will have a maximum of 15 people present and kindly ask you to only show up if you don’t feel sick.
Just give us a call if you have any questions; 45880409
See you! ☃️
Spisesalen på biologibygget, UiT
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